
spectacle = »sensational event«

A spectacle attracts the audience's attention through a sensational and entertaining way or through an often exaggerated presentation or demonstration: in other words, through classic showmanship. In the past, a spectacle was something special, today it has become standard. Media and consumer-oriented stimuli flood modern societies from morning to night, everywhere - and thus influence people's perception and behavior.

There are plenty of spectacles in the world of design. Often, however, simply by upscaling already established user experiences - only bigger, louder, brighter, more expensive... more spectacular. Yet spectacles offer so many creative possibilities: As a clear break from the ordinary world, a spectacle can take on any conceivable form that can surprise a visitor - and thus ensure a memorable experience.

finster3000 strives to bring the spectacle back to the human scale: Through surprises that take place inside the visitor. Through "unforeseen moments". Surprises in the form of unexpected responses, when an exhibition holds new, surprising moments in store for you with every visit, or when objects, exhibitions and buildings react to you and respond to you - individually.


remapping museum space


shareable moments