UNLOCKED booklet

documentation of the symposium "UNLOCKED - Gaming öffnet Kultur"

The publication consists of an interactive PDF that has been specially optimized for smartphone users. The individual chapters link directly to the corresponding videos, which are now also available to everyone on YouTube.

For all those who were unfortunately unable to attend the symposium in person, the booklet offers insights into the individual program highlights and briefly summarizes the keynotes and panel discussions. It also offers a reflective outlook on what is still to come at the intersection of gaming and cultural education in the coming years and gives you access to an exploration of this fundamental relationship - available in a universally accessible format.

You can download the booklet here: UNLOCKED Booklet

You can also find the individual lectures and panel discussions on YouTube: @UNLOCKED-Symposium

Many thanks to N&MS for the development + realization of this outstanding publication and the great concept behind it. Special thanks to Fahim Mohammadi from Inkubator at Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart and the Linden-Museum Stuttgart for co-curation as well as Zentrum für Kulturelle Teilhabe for funding this project.


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